About the Journal
The Ujma journal publishes professional, technical, and scientific articles, debates, short essays and reviews of articles, short reports on disasters and major events, literature reviews, reviews of new books, and other contributions in the field of disaster prevention. Special attention is paid to prevention, in particular the investigation of hazards, civil protection, and disaster prevention in the Republic of Slovenia.
The journal provides an overview of the events of the previous year at home and abroad. In addition to its documentary function, it brings together the practical and theoretical experiences of institutions and units involved in protection and rescue in Slovenia, as well as the latest scientific findings in this field - all in a professional language that reflects interdisciplinarity. The main purpose of the journal is to present risk reduction efforts, understood in the landscape as prevention, adaptation, and avoidance of hazardous areas. A large part of it is an overview of the disasters of the past year, followed by thematic sections, which are independent chapters from the eighth edition onwards: Recovery, Disaster Preparedness, Information Technology, Education, Foreign Experiences, and Retrospectives.
The journal is aimed at those involved in the daily operation of the protection and rescue system, professionals dealing with various disasters, and the general public.