
  • Tanja Cegnar Ministrstvo za okolje in prostor, Agencija RS za okolje, Ljubljana


In 2021, the average temperature was 0.7°C above the norm at the national level. In the vast majority of Slovenia the annual temperature anomaly was between 0.5 and 1°C. Only in the north-west, and in some small areas in the north of the country, was the anomaly below 0.5°C. At the national level, only three months in 2021 were colder than normal, namely April, May and October. February and June stood out with a significant positive temperature anomaly. In 2021, there was 7% less precipitation than normal. In the majority of Slovenia 80-100% of the normal precipitation fell. The drier areas included the Karst region, parts of Notranjska, Kočevje, parts of Dolenjska, Koroška, Štajerska and Gorenjska, and the south-eastern part of Pomurje, where the precipitation deficit was between one and two tenths of the normal. Precipitation above normal was observed in parts of Gorenjska, Štajerska and around Murska Sobota. In winter and spring it was wetter than normal, while in summer and autumn it was drier. At the national level, sunny weather was 11% above the average. In the majority of Slovenia, the normal sunshine duration was exceeded by 10-20%. In the high mountains, there was as much sunny weather as normal. January, May and November stood out with cloudy weather. In the mountains, the snow cover had melted completely by 3rd July. On Kredarica, the maximum snow cover was 520 cm thick.


Agencija RS za okolje, 2021, Mesečni bilten Agencije RS za okolje Naše okolje, številke 1–12, leto 2021.

Agencija RS za okolje, 2021.

Agencija RS za okolje, arhiv meteoroloških podatkov Agencije RS za okolje.

Cegnar, T., 2014. Podnebne razmere v Sloveniji leta 2013, Ujma, št. 28, letnik 2014, 20–30.

Cegnar, T., 2015. Podnebne razmere v Sloveniji leta 2014, Ujma, št. 29, letnik 2015, 22–34.

Cegnar, T., 2016. Podnebne razmere v Sloveniji leta 2015, Ujma, št. 30, letnik 2016, 18–29.

Cegnar, T., 2017. Podnebne razmere v Sloveniji leta 2016, Ujma, št. 31, letnik 2017, 16–28.

Cegnar, T., 2018. Podnebne razmere v Sloveniji leta 2017, Ujma, št. 32, letnik 2018, 22–36.

Cegnar, T., 2019. Podnebne razmere v Sloveniji leta 2018, Ujma, št. 33, letnik 2019, 24–39.

Cegnar, T., 2021. Podnebne razmere v Sloveniji v letih 2019 in 2020, Ujma, št. 34–35, letnik 2020-2021, 34–61.

Svetovna meteorološka organizacija, Guide to Climatological Practices, Third Edition, 2016.

Svetovna meteorološka organizacija, WMO Provisional Report on the State of the Global Climate in 2021, 2022.





Climate conditions