
  • Andreja Sušnik Ministrstvo za okolje in prostor, Agencija RS za okolje, Ljubljana
  • Gregor Gregorič Ministrstvo za okolje in prostor, Agencija RS za okolje, Ljubljana


Following a warm winter in 2020/21, and a dry and warm beginning of the spring of 2021, Slovenia was hit by two major spring frost events: the first on 18-22 March, and the second, which was even more intense, on 5-9 April. Weather conditions in the spring of 2021 played a crucial role in the early development of fruit trees, whose fruit buds were in different developmental stages during the spring frosts. During these, most of the meteorological stations of the Slovenian Environment Agency (ARSO) recorded the night of 6-7 April or the morning of 7 April as the coldest. In many parts of north-western Slovenia, the morning of 8 April was even colder, while in smaller areas of north- -eastern Slovenia, the coldest morning occurred on 9 April. The spring frost of 2021 caused great damage to fruit production. The final estimate of direct damage, which exceeded 30% of the usual annual agricultural production, was estimated at 40 million EUR.


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ARSO, 2021b. Naše okolje. Mesečni bilteni ARSO, letnik XXVIII, številka 3. https://www.arso.gov.si/o%20agenciji/knji%c5%benica/mese%c4%8dni%20bilten/NASE%20OKOLJE%20-%20Marec%202021.pdf.

ARSO, 2021c. Hladno vreme med 18. in 22. marcem 2021. http://meteo.arso.gov.si/uploads/probase/www/climate/text/sl/weather_events/hladno-vreme_18-22mar2021.pdf.

ARSO, 2021d. Mraz in sneg med 5. in 9. aprilom 2021. http://meteo.arso.gov.si/uploads/probase/www/climate/text/sl/weather_events/mraz-sneg_5-9apr2021.pdf.

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Natural and other disasters in Slovenia