
  • Andreja Lavrič Ministrstvo za obrambo, Uprava RS za zaščito in reševanje, Ljubljana
  • Renata Kos Berlak Zdravstveni dom Murska Sobota in Enota za psihološko pomoč Civilne zaščite


Personal resilience is an individual’s ability to adapt and restore personal balance when exposed to different types of stress and negative experiences. It is a quality which changes over time, and can develop and strengthen. It depends on both genetics and environmental effects. It has an important impact on coping with stressful situations, and indirectly affects mental health and well-being. During the period of dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic, mental health problems deepened, especially in certain vulnerable groups of people who were more susceptible to stress and exposed to greater stressors during this time. The article presents the basic characteristics of personal resilience, the significance of resilience during the pandemic, and ways of strengthening personal resilience, especially in rescue workers.


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