
  • Domen Torkar Ministrstvo za obrambo, Uprava RS za zaščito in reševanje, Ljubljana


The article presents the scope, preparation, execution and the main emphasis of an analysis of the multi-day international practical exercise SIQUAKE2020, organized in the framework of the Union Civil Protection Mechanism. The exercise took place on 4-8 October 2021 at various locations in Ljubljana, Vrhnika and Logatec. The purpose of the exercise was to assess preparedness for and response to a major earthquake in central Slovenia, and to verify procedures and tasks in the event of accepting international emergency assistance. Approximately 1000 participants assumed different roles in the exercise, approximately 600 of which were local and foreign rescue workers and trainees. The exercise emphasized the need for practical exercises for the purpose of cooperation and mutual knowledge of different parts of the protection and rescue system, which, in the event of responding to real disasters, significantly contribute to coordinated action. The exercise was part of the multi-annual SIQUAKE2020 project, which, in addition to a practical exercise, included a staff exercise, workshops and other activities, with the aim of enhancing preventive, preparedness and response measures of the system of protection against natural and other disasters for the event of an earthquake.


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Potresna ogroženost Slovenije., avgust 2022.

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Razvojno raziskovalni projekt »Oblikovanje celovitega modela vodenja odziva na nesreče za vse ravni vodenja na področju zaščite, reševanja in pomoči v Republiki Sloveniji«., avgust 2022.

SIQUAKE2020 Table Top Exercise Report.


Usmeritve za upravljanje množičnih zatočišč, URZSR, 2019





Izobraževanje, usposabljanje in preverjanje