
  • Peter Frantar Ministrstvo za okolje in prostor, Agencija RS za okolje, Ljubljana


In 2019, there were as many as 381 major floods, and a total of 4314 casualties (compared to 5532 in 2018). Most floods occurred in South and South-East Asia, mainly in India, Vietnam, Indonesia, the Philippines, Pakistan and China. Columbia and Brazil also had many flood events, but it was the USA which recorded the highest number of individual flood events, i.e. 36. In 2019, at least 9.3 million people had to leave their homes due to high waters (according to a DFO estimate, that is 3.5 million more than the previous year), and the floods also caused damage to 19.8 million square kilometres of land (DFO estimate). The floods reached the highest magnitude, namely 7.9, in November and December in both Congo countries in Africa. In 2019, floods caused the most damage of all natural disasters.


AON – Aon Benfield, 2020: Weather, Climate & Catastrophe Insight, 2019. Annual. Report. https://www.aon.com/unitedkingdom/insights/weather-climate-catastrophe-insight-2019-report.jsp, 10. 6. 2020.

DFO – Dartmouth Flood Observatory, 2009. Global Flood Detection, Mapping, and Measurement. http://www.dartmouth.edu/~floods/index.html, 5. 2. 2009.

DFO – Dartmouth Flood Observatory, 2019. Global Flood Detection, Mapping, and Measurement. http://floodobservatory.colorado.edu/, 10. 4. 2020.

Disaster Report, 2019. Recent Natural Disasters. https://www.disaster-report.com, 10. 5. 2020.

Floodlist, 2019. Floodlist portal. http://floodlist.com, 1. 3. 2020.

Frantar, P., 2009. Poplave po svetu v letu 2008. Ujma 23, 118–127.

Frantar, P., 2015. Poplave po svetu leta 2014. Ujma 29, 222–238.

Frantar, P., 2016. Poplave po svetu leta 2015. Ujma 30, 84–100.

Frantar, P., 2017. Poplave po svetu leta 2016. Ujma 31, 78–92.

Frantar, P., 2018. Poplave po svetu leta 2017. Ujma 32, 123–138.

Frantar, P., 2019. Poplave po svetu leta 2018. Ujma 33, 149–167.

Nasa Earth Observatory, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 2019. http://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/, 10. 5. 2020.

PDC – Pacific Disaster Center, 2019. http://www.pdc.org, 15. 3. 2018.

RW – Reliefweb, 2019. Internetna stran o pomoči. www.reliefweb.int, 15. 4. 2019.

Wikipedia, 2019. Strani o poplavah na Wikipediji. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flood, 1. 5. 2019.

Wunderground, 2019. Wunderground blog. www.wunderground.com, 15. 4. 2019.





Natural and other disasters abroad