
  • Jure Tičar Znanstvenoraziskovalni center Slovenske akademije znanosti in umetnosti, Geografski inštitut Antona Melika, Ljubljana
  • Klemen Mihalič Jamarska zveza Slovenije, Ljubljana


The subterranean environment of karst caves has special climatic characteristics that depend, among other things, on the spatial location of the cave and the arrangement of the underground passages. These factors strongly influence the specific temperature, humidity and air movement in the caves. Due to natural causes or human activities, cave air may contain higher concentrations of gases that pose a hazard to humans. The purpose of this paper is to briefly present the specifics of the cave climate; to present the results of a survey conducted among cavers; to give detailed information on previous accidents; to present the characteristics of dangerous gases in caves; and to summarize some basic measures to avoid dangerous situations when visiting caves.


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