
  • Anja Bubik Visoka šola za varstvo okolja, Velenje
  • Tina Eleršek Nacionalni inštitut za biologijo, Ljubljana


Increased pollution of surface waters is one of the most serious global environmental problems. Water resources intended for drinking water supply, recreational or irrigation waters, and abundant fish farming areas are of particular concern. An increased load of nutrient nitrogen and phosphorus compounds causing eutrophication, in combination with other favourable environmental factors, often leads to massive growth of aquatic phytoplankton. Cyanobacterial “blooming” (intense growth) poses a disturbance and danger to the environment, and their active metabolic products – cyanotoxins – threaten the health of living organisms, including humans. Cyanotoxin poisoning in Brazil in 1996 contributed vigorously to the development of regulatory phytoplankton monitoring approaches worldwide, and later to new preventive methods. Many Slovenian surface water bodies are also polluted with organic and inorganic matter, which causes regular or occasional toxic or non-toxic cyanobacterial blooms. There are various options for preventive actions, detecting the threat of cyanotoxins on the one hand and raising people’s awareness of the risk of occurrence on the other. It is important that we implement all activities properly and in a timely manner, thereby enhancing broader awareness of the magnitude and power of natural organisms and accepting socially responsible care for all water resources.


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