
  • Rok Rutnik Gasilska brigada Maribor


The aim of this study was to create two mathematical forecasting models for management decisions based on intelligent, quantitative analyses. It deals with the field of predicting the number of intervention events of the Maribor Fire Brigade with the help of artificial intelligence. Learning data sets were obtained from the SPIN and ARSO databases, processed in the Python programming language, and then the prediction models were programmed in the MATLAB software package. The aim of the task was to train the artificial neural networks LSTM and NARX to predict events, and to compare their results with each other through metrics for estimating accuracy. The prediction results of some of the learning sets were poor due to small correlations, so we could not predict those events. Fire interventions and natural disasters gave good enough results of correlation analyses, so they were used in the construction of neural networks. Based on the results of the collected models, we believe that neural networks are suitable for predicting intervention events.


Agencija RS za okolje, Arhiv meteoroloških podatkov Agencije RS za okolje.

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Research and development