
  • Tjaša Pogačar Univerza v Ljubljani, Biotehniška fakulteta, Ljubljana
  • Lučka Kajfež Bogataj Univerza v Ljubljani, Biotehniška fakulteta, Ljubljana


The problems that European workers have with their health and productivity as a result of working in the heat are not often noticed in scientific research and professional discussions, nor in regulations and legislation. With global warming and an ageing workforce in Europe, the situation will worsen, and it is already critical in some workplaces. The Heat-Shield Platform was developed as part of the European project of the same name, and is the first operational European platform to issue short-range (5 days) and medium-range (6-46 days) heat stress risk warnings to maintain workers‘ health and productivity. It is freely accessible and provides an appropriate basis for planning adaptations to the negative effects of heat stress in the workplace, as well as immediate warnings with options presented for basic measures. It is based on monthly forecasts by the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts, data from the network of 1800 meteorological stations, the WBGT indicator, and personalization based on a personal profile. It is recommended for employees as well as for employers, decision-makers, and occupational health and safety staff. This paper provides more information about the platform itself and detailed instructions on its use.


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Research and development