
  • Izidor Tasič Ministrstvo za okolje in prostor, Agencija RS za okolje, Urad za seizmologijo, Ljubljana


The Black Forest Observatory (BFO) is a research institution that takes various very accurate geophysical measurements, such as the detection of weak seismic signals from all over the globe, and the detection of Earth‘s gravity and magnetic fields. The best seismological measuring systems, located in an abandoned mine in granite rock 170 metres below the surface of the Earth, also represent an exceptional environment for carrying out tests of new seismometers, such as, for example, testing the seismometer that is measuring marsquakes on Mars today. In October 2019, we went on a working visit to the BFO, where they showed us the observatory and presented activities focusing on seismological systems and measurements.


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Tasič, I., 2018. Seizmometer in pospeškometer – merilni par na potresni opazovalnici. Ujma 32, 210–217.

Tasič I., 2019. Triosni širokopasovni seizmometri s postavitvijo senzorjev XYZ in UVW. Ujma 33, 185–191.

Vidrih, R., Sinčič, P., Tasič, I., Gosar, A., Godec, M., Živčić, M., 2006. Državna mreža potresnih opazovalnic, ur. Vidrih, R., Agencija RS za okolje, Ljubljana.

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Research and development