
  • Leon Ločičnik Zgornjesavinjski zdravstveni dom Nazarje – Nujna medicinska pomoč Mozirje, Nazarje
  • Anton Koželj Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za zdravstvene vede Maribor
  • Maja Strauss Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za zdravstvene vede Maribor


In this article we present the reorganization of providing emergency medical care for the Upper Savinja Valley, which was created in cooperation between the emergency medical care units of Velenje and Mozirje. A retrospective quantitative analysis of the interventions of the Mozirje Emergency Medical Service was carried out. The analysis included 1435 rescue transport reports, emergency intervention protocols and emergency call receptions. We noted that the number of interventions had not changed significantly. In the observed period of two years, 52.9% (N=759) of the interventions were made during the first year, and 47.1% (N=676) in the second. During the period when the doctor was not regularly present at the Mozirje Emergency Medical Service but it was possible to activate him from Velenje, 80.25% of the field interventions ended without the presence of a doctor. During this period, however, some interventions also increased: the use of devices for artificial ventilation during resuscitation which are inserted blindly (supraglottic devices), and recording an ECG to record the patient’s initial condition.


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