
  • Julij Jeraj Mestna občina Ljubljana, Oddelek za zaščito in reševanje, Ljubljana


In order to form a concept for the provision of information services for emergency management, we need to answer the following questions: whom the information services are intended for; what their purpose and objectives are; what information and data individual competent emergency management authorities require; what the sources of information and data are; how do we capture them; how do we communicate them; where the input and output points for information and data are; what the legal bases are; and what can we achieve with the information services. Information services for emergency management represent a complex information system that ensures a relevant, accurate, timely and constantly updating current and past common situational picture through the capture, transfer, collection, analysis and individual presentation of data and information. This enables the adoption of appropriate and timely decisions both for long-term management and for the daily administration, as well as for the incident command at times when decisions on the objectives, strategies and tactics of response must be prepared and adopted quickly, and when their implementation must be continuously monitored and corrective measures introduced as needed.


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Sile za zaščito, reševanje in pomoč