
  • Igor Strojan Ministrstvo za okolje in prostor, Agencija RS za okolje, Ljubljana


This article gives a spatial and temporal review of river water levels of surface waters in 2018. The review is a summary of monthly monitoring, analyses and quantitative estimates, which are presented mostly on the basis of the statistical values of river discharges in 2018 compared to the statistical values of longterm data sets for the period 1981-2010. Descriptions of hydrological events, quantitative estimates of river discharges and characteristics, and specific features of the period under consideration are illustrated by hydrographs, maps, graphs, photographs and a table. In 2018, there were no major deviations in river water levels from the long-term average for the period 1981-2010. Congruence with the long-term period is evident in the temporal distribution of river water levels across the entire year, and relatively small deviations in typical annual discharges compared to the long-term period. Water levels were high in December 2017 and gradually decreased in the winter of 2018. In accordance with the water regime, the flow of rivers increased in the spring months, and then decreased in summer. In autumn, river discharges increased again, although slightly less than normal. The most marked discrepancy between 2018 and the longterm period was the smaller and fewer river high water peaks and, consequently, less frequent floods.


Agencija Republike Slovenije za okolje, Hidrološki arhiv Agencije RS za okolje.

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Climate conditions