
  • Anita Jerše Sharma Ministrstvo za okolje in prostor, Agencija RS za okolje, Urad za seizmologijo, Ljubljana
  • Tamara Jesenko Ministrstvo za okolje in prostor, Agencija RS za okolje, Urad za seizmologijo, Ljubljana
  • Barbara Šket Motnikar Ministrstvo za okolje in prostor, Agencija RS za okolje, Urad za seizmologijo, Ljubljana
  • Mladen Živčić Ministrstvo za okolje in prostor, Agencija RS za okolje, Urad za seizmologijo, Ljubljana


In 2018 there was average earthquake activity in Slovenia. The Seismic Network of the Republic of Slovenia recorded 2103 local earthquakes, at least 119 of which were felt by people. There were 26 earthquakes with a local magnitude equal to or higher than 2.0, and there was one which reached maximum intensity V EMS-98. The strongest earthquake in Slovenia in 2018, with a local magnitude of 3.5, was observed on 17 January at 10:22 UTC (11:22 Central European Time (CET)) near Bovec. Its maximum intensity was V EMS-98. A few people were frightened and ran outdoors. In exceptional cases the earthquake caused slight non-structural damage such as hairline cracks and falls of small pieces of plaster. One school in Bovec was evacuated as a precaution. Inhabitants of Slovenia also felt five regional earthquakes with epicentres near Humin in Northern Italy. Their maximum intensity in Slovenia was IV EMS-98. A few people also felt two earthquakes in Central Italy. Their maximum intensity in Slovenia was III EMS-98. There were no earthquakes in Slovenia in 2018 that, apart from hair-line cracks, caused any structural damage to buildings.


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Natural and other disasters in Slovenia