
  • Matjaž Mikoš Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za gradbeništvo in geodezijo, Ljubljana


An International Symposium on Disaster Risk Reduction took place in the city of Toyama, Japan, October 1-4, 2018, with the leading theme “Large scale sediment disasters in orogenic zones and countermeasures”. The four-day work at the symposium was conducted in 6 themes; one day was devoted to a field visit under a selected topic from the symposium. The meeting was organized by the International Research Society INTERPRAEVENT, based in Klagenfurt, Austria, together with various Japanese organizers. At the meeting, 492 participants from 27 countries discussed and exchanged their knowledge and experience in the field of risk reduction in mountainous environments due to hazardous debris events. It was the latest event in a series of symposia on the topic of disaster risk reduction in the mountain environment in the Pacific Ocean, following symposia in Matsumoto (Japan, 2002), Niigata (Japan, 2006), Taipeh (Taiwan, 2010), and Nara (Japan, 2014). The article briefly summarizes the activities at the IP 2018 meeting in Toyama, with a focus on the Toyama Declaration 2018, and a short presentation of the historical Tateyama SABO projects in the Joganji river basin, which protects the City of Toyama.


APFM, 2011. Management of Sediment-related Disasters. Integrated Flood Management Tools Series No. 12. The Associated Programme on Flood Management. World Meteorological Organization and The Global Water Partnership, 46 str. (dostop 22. junij 2019)

Hayashi, M., Shiiba, S., Osada, T., Toda, M., 2014. Universal Value of Tateyama Sabo from Viewpoint of National Resilience. V: INTERPRAEVENT 2018 International Symposium in Pacific Rim, Toyama, Japan: Symposium Proceedings. 550–558 (dostop 8. junij 2019)

Ishii, T., Matsuura, K., Isohata, H., Nishimura, Y., 2018. Tateyama Sab o Disaster Prevention System – Heritage of Human Resilience to Fight Natural Disasters. Toyama Prefecture Committee for the Promotion of World Heritage Inscription, Toyama, Japan, 70 str.

Mikoš, M., 2002. Mednarodno raziskovalno združenje INTERPRAEVENT = INTERPRAEVENT International Research Society. Ujma 16, 443–445.

Mikoš, M., 2008. Mednarodna vpetost Slovenije v raziskovanje naravnih nesreč. Geografski obzornik, 55(3), 4–9. (dostop 6. junij 2019)

Mizuyama, T., Tabata, S., Mori, T., Watanabe, F., Inoue, K., 2004. Outbursts of landslide dams and their prevention. V: INTERPRAEVENT 2004, Riva del Garda, Italy: 10th Congress Proceedings. Vol. 4, 221–229 (dostop 8. junij 2019)

Osaka, T., Watanabe, H., 2018. Maintenance and Utilization of a Sabo Facility Designated as an Important Cultural Property – The Shiraiwa Sabo Dam. V: INTERPRAEVENT 2018 Internationales Symposium, Toyama, Japan: Symposium Proceedings, 433 str.. 277–286 (dostop 22. junij 2019)

Toyama Declaration, 2018. (dostop 8. junij 2019)

UNDRR, 2015. 100 years preventing debris flows in Japan (dostop 5. julij 2019)

Watanabe, H., 2018. Maintenance of Historical Sabo Facilities by the Tateyama Mountain Area Sabo Office - An Evaluation of the Soundness and Utility of Sabo Facilities. V: INTERPRAEVENT 2018 Internationales Symposium, Toyama, Japan: Symposium Proceedings, 433 str., 301–310 (dostop 22. junij 2019)

Watanabe, N., Hizuka, T., Cheibany, O-E., Marui, H., 2008. Chemical weathering rates from watersheds in the Tateyama Caldera, Central Japan. V: INTERPRAEVENT 2008 International Symposium, Dornbirn, Austria: Conference Proceedings (ISBN 978-3-901164-10-1). Vol. 1, 537–546 (dostop 8. junij 2019)





International co-operation