
  • Branko Novak Občina Ljutomer


Over four days, 487 firefighters from Pomurje and Podravje worked on extinguishing this large fire, which was, according to a criminal investigation, deliberated. To enter the extremely dangerous fire site, the firefighters required breathing apparats, and therefore used 287 oxygen pressure vessels. Water was the main fire extinguishing agent, with a rough estimate of 3 million litres used, followed by 4930 litres of foam. The firefighters used different fire extinguishing techniques, which required the activation of 57 firefighting vehicles, two vehicle-mounted ladders, the Slovenian Armed Forces helicopter and heavy work machinery. The facility that fire caught, was a warehouse for waste sorting materials, specifically paraffin for candles – 270 tons, ground plastic scrap – 180 tons, and alkaline batteries for battery candles – 10 tons, all of which are by-products of the separation of waste grave candles; plus 100 m3 of unsorted waste grave candles, the production premises, and all the equipment. Fighting the fire was very challenging and dangerous, and greatly hindered by the narrow access paths, built barriers and the solar power plant. The emergency response was well managed and effective. The response of all the activated services was fast, and the cooperation between them good and effective. The public information and notification was excellent. The cost of the firefighting intervention amounted to EUR 200,319.80, of which the Ljutomer municipality paid EUR 72,253.11 directly from its budget reserve. The most important outcome was that nobody was seriously injured in the firefighting emergency response.


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Natural and other disasters in Slovenia