
  • Blaž Turk Zavod za gasilno in reševalno službo Sežana, Sežana
  • Lucija Jereb Ministrstvo za obrambo, Uprava RS za zaščito in reševanje, Ljubljana


In 2017, Slovenia was affected by multiple wildfires, which damaged 1,755 ha of land (data from the system for reporting on emergency response operations and disasters (SPIN), March 2018), making it the largest burnt area in the last ten years. With regard to the surface area of the affected land and the complexity of the firefighting operations, two fires stood out: a fire near Divača (3-4 August 2017), in which 95.1 ha of forest was burnt; and a fire near Komen (6 August 2017), in which 116.1 ha of forest and scrubland was burnt. Other countries in the European Union and elsewhere also faced an intensive and lengthy fire season in 2017; in 17 instances, the affected countries requested international assistance through the EU Civil Protection Mechanism. In view of the assumptions on further warming of the climate, it is recommended enhancing the capabilities of the effective prevention and limitation of wildfires.


Adamič, M., 2017. Poročilo o intervenciji požara v naravnem okolju, požar pri Komnu 2017, 6. avgust 2017, Zavod za gasilno in reševalno službo Sežana.

Budal, B., 2017. Poročilo o intervenciji požara v naravnem okolju, požar pri Divači 2017, 3. avgust 20017, Zavod za gasilno in reševalno službo Sežana.

Državni načrt zaščite in reševanja ob velikem požaru v naravnem okolju, http://www.sos112.si/slo/tdocs/pozar_drzavni_nacrt.pdf (maj 2018).

European Forest Fire Information System (EFFIS), http://effis.jrc.ec.europa.eu/ (maj 2018).

European Commission, DG ECHO, 2017. Lessons learned meeting on the 2017 forest fire season (14. november 2017).

Resolucija o nacionalnem programu varstva pred naravnimi in drugimi nesrečami v letih od 2016 do 2022 (ReNPVNDN16–22) (Uradni list RS, št. 75/16).

SPIN, http://spin.sos112.si/spin2/javno/ (marec–maj 2018).

Uredba o varstvu pred požarom v naravnem okolju (Uradni list RS, št. 20/14).





Natural and other disasters in Slovenia