
  • Andrej Draksler
  • Peter Frantar Ministrstvo za okolje in prostor, Agencija RS za okolje, Ljubljana
  • Vlado Savić


Water temperature is one of the most important characteristics of water, and one of the key indicators of climate change impacts. An analysis of water temperature trends was conducted on the basis of long-term data sets gathered from gauging stations on surface waters, lakes, groundwater and the sea. The first part of the analysis comprised assessments of the adequacy of the data, the gauging stations, and the time series of data sets. Sixty-six stations were selected, of which 48 were located in surface waters (including two in lakes and one in the sea) and 18 in groundwater. Homogenisation of the data was carried out, which is essential for the elimination of measurement anomalies and extreme data deviations. The homogenisation periods were 1953-2015 for surface waters, lakes and the sea, and 1969-2015 for groundwater. An analysis of the linear trends and the statistical characteristics of the trends for the entire period was also carried out. The results of the analysis of average annual water temperature show upward trends, which are all statistically typical and in line with climate change analyses indicating global warming.


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