
  • Eva Dolenc Univerza v Ljubljani, Zdravstvena fakulteta, Ljubljana
  • Aljaž Novak Univerzitetni klinični center Ljubljana, Služba za otroško psihiatrijo, Ljubljana
  • Damjan Slabe Univerza v Ljubljani, Zdravstvena fakulteta, Ljubljana


Every day, employees in the energy industry are exposed to different injury risk factors. Even though electrical injuries are rare, the consequences can include severe organ damage, high rates of morbidity, or even death. However, these consequences can be prevented or at least mitigated through the appropriate provision of first aid. The data in this study was collected by a survey conducted among the employees of the company Elektro Ljubljana, at the Trbovlje work unit. The survey was completed by 79 out of the 99 employees. The results showed that the employees are well versed in the theory of basic resuscitation techniques and the treatment of burn wounds caused by electricity. However, the questions referring to the combination of injuries and unconsciousness (e.g. unconsciousness due to suspected cervical spine injury), demonstrated that their knowledge is, nonetheless, poor. It was concluded that the knowledge of the employees of Elektro Ljubljana and other companies should be upgraded. First aid training in work organisations should be designed in such a way that the employees gain specific first aid knowledge of injuries and sudden diseases that are more frequent in specific work places, as well as emergency first aid measures.


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