
  • Damjan Slabe Univerza v Ljubljani, Zdravstvena fakulteta, Ljubljana


Being suddenly confronted with injury, poisoning or illness presents a challenge for lay first aid givers, who may be faced with a dilemma about whether or not to give first aid. Six field experiments were carried out, with the aim of observing the response of random witnesses to a mock incident of a “patient” suffering severe chest pain, leading to a loss of consciousness. During all the experiments, the bystanders noticed the “patient”, but only one of them quickly checked whether the “patient” needed assistance. All the other witnesses only helped the “patient” after he had asked for help. These particular cases of bystanders (not) providing first aid reveal actions indicating people’s rationalism, which is a norm of individualism. Rather than engaging in giving first aid themselves, individual witnesses to the event sought help from other “competent professionals” who happened be in the vicinity. These experiments show that the general public have great expectations of professionals, both health care professionals and others who are in any way connected to first aid. This presents new challenges, and requires the engagement and cooperation of all the key social actors who are involved in the provision of first aid.


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