
  • Julij Jeraj Mestna občina Ljubljana


Professor Emeritus Enrico (Henry) Leone Quarantelli, PhD, the co-founder of the Disaster Research Center, passed away on 2 April 2017. Most scientists and practitioners acknowledge Henry as the founder of modern social science research into disaster. His legacy includes a vast number of research studies and articles on various aspects of disaster, and an even greater number of students who he educated and whose skills he helped develop. His influence on the disaster science and disaster management practice can be felt globally. However, even though he attended a conference in Slovenia in 1982, his visit did not leave a lasting impression. In Slovenia, Quarantelli’s work on research into human behaviour during disasters was first used by psychologists, and at the beginning of the millennium, it also began to be used in social science. Thanks to public access to a significant portion of his work and the work of his colleagues at the Disaster Research Center, we can all benefit from a treasure trove of knowledge in the area of protection, rescue and relief.


Malešič, M. (ur.), 2004. Krizno upravljanje in vodenje v Sloveniji − izzivi in priložnosti. Ljubljana. Fakulteta za družbene vede.

Mooallem, J., 2017. Enrico Leone Quarantelli – He proved that disasters bring out the best of us. V: The New York Times Magazine – The Lives They Lived. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2017/12/28/magazine/the-lives-they-lived-enrico-l-quarantelli.html (2. maj 2018).

Petropoulos, N. P., 2017. In Memoriam: Enrico L. Quarantelli − A Dedication to a Giant in the Sociology of Disasters. Predstavitev na zasedanju Raziskovalne mreže za nesreče, konflikte in družbene krize (Disaster, Conflict and Social Crisis Research Network) v okviru 13. Evropskega sociološkega združenja (ESA), 29. avgust – 1. september 2017. Atene.

Polič, M. (ur.), 1994. Psihološki vidiki nesreč. Ljubljana. Uprava Republike Slovenije za zaščito in reševanje pri Ministrstvu za obrambo.

Quarentelli, E. L., 1983. What is a disaster? An agent specific or an all disaster spectrum approach to social behavioural aspects of earthquakes? V: Social and economic aspects of earthquakes, ur. Jones, B., Tomazevic, M., 453−478. Ljubljana, Yugoslavia and Ithaca, NY: Institute for Testing and Research in Materials and Structures and Program in Urban and Regional Studies, Cornell University.

University of Delaware, College of Arts and Sciences, Disaster Research Center. 2017. In Memoriam: DRC Co-founder Enrico L. Quarantelli. https://www.drc.udel.edu/news/Pages/quarantelli.aspx (2. maj 2018).





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