
  • Tamara Jesenko Ministrstvo za okolje in prostor, Agencija RS za okolje, Urad za seizmologijo, Ljubljana


In 2016 there were 47 earthquakes in the world that either reached or exceeded a moment magnitude (Mw) of 6.5. None had a moment magnitude greater than or equal to 8.0, and 17 were between 7.0 and 7.9. At least 35 earthquakes claimed human lives; in total there were at least 1339 victims. The most devastating earthquake took place on 16 April in Ecuador, where at least 676 people were killed. The 17 December earthquake near Papua New Guinea ranked highest in terms of the released energy, with a moment magnitude of 7.9. The deepest strong earthquake took place on 19 October near Indonesia, with a hypocentre 614 km below the surface and a moment magnitude of 6.6. The strongest earthquake in Europe, with a moment magnitude of 6.6, struck Central Italy on 30 October. This seismic sequence began on 24 August with an earthquake near Accumoli (Mw = 6.2) and continued into 2017. Some of those earthquakes were felt also in Slovenia. Earthquakes in Italy in 2016 claimed 302 human lives.


Ecuador earthquake. Wikipedia [online] (posodobljeno 8. 2. 2017). (uporabljeno 13. 4. 2017).

ARSO, Urad za seizmologijo, 2016. Preliminarni seizmološki bilten, 2016. Agencija RS za okolje, Urad za seizmologijo in geologijo, Ljubljana.

August 2016 Central Italy earthquake. Wikipedia [online] (posodobljeno 6. 3. 2017). (uporabljeno 14. 4. 2017).

Cecić, I., Godec, M., 2010. Potres pri l’Aquili (srednja Italija) 6. aprila 2009. Ujma, 24, 90–96.

Jesenko, T., Šket Motnikar, B., Cecić, I., Živčić, M., 2017. Potresi v Sloveniji leta 2016. V tej številki revije Ujma.

Lapajne, J., 2013. Inženirsko-seizmološki terminološki slovar [Elektronski vir]. Amebis d.o.o., Kamnik in Agencija RS za okolje, Ljubljana (Zbirka Termania).

List of earthquakes in 2016. Wikipedia [online] (posodobljeno 24. 3. 2017). (uporabljeno 29. 3. 2017).

NEIC, 2016a. M7.9 – 54 km E of Taron, Papua New Guinea. US Department of the Interior. Geological Survey, National Earthquake Information Center. (uporabljeno 13. 4. 2017).

NEIC, 2016b. M6.6 – 161km NNE of Pamanukan, Indonesia. US Department of the Interior. Geological Survey, National Earthquake Information Center. (uporabljeno 13. 4. 2017).

NEIC, 2016c. M7.8 – 27 km SSE of Muisine, Ecuador. US Department of the Interior. Geological Survey, National Earthquake Information Center. (uporabljeno 13. 4. 2017).

NEIC, 2016d. M6.6 – 7 km of Norcia, Italy. US Department of the Interior. Geological Survey, National Earthquake Information Center. (uporabljeno 14. 4. 2017).

NEIC, 2017a. 2016 Significant Earthquakes – 2016. US Department of the Interior. Geological Survey, National Earthquake Information Center. (uporabljeno 29. 3. 2017).

NEIC, 2017b. Search Earthquake Catalogue. US Department of the Interior. Geological Survey, National Earthquake Information Center. (uporabljeno 29. 3. 2017).

NEIC, 2017c. USGS FAQs. Earthquake Myths FAQs – 9 Found. US Department of the Interior. Geological Survey, National Earthquake Information Center. (posodobljeno 16.11. 2016). (uporabljeno 29. 3. 2017).

NEIC, 2017d. USGS FAQs. Earthquake Myths FAQs – 10 Found. US Department of the Interior. Geological Survey, National Earthquake Information Center. (posodobljeno 16. 11. 2016). (uporabljeno 29. 3. 2017).

October 2016 Central Italy earthquakes. Wikipedia [online] (posodobljeno 23. 2. 2017). (uporabljeno 14. 4. 2017).

Vidrih, R., Sinčič, P., Tasič, I., Gosar, A., Godec, M., Živčić, M., 2006. Državna mreža potresnih opazovalnic. Agencija RS za okolje, Urad za seizmologijo in geologijo, Ljubljana, 287.





Natural and other disasters abroad