
  • Andrej Gosar Ministrstvo za okolje in prostor, Agencija RS za okolje, Urad za seizmologijo, Ljubljana


Seismic microzonations identify the local geological conditions that amplify ground motion and define zones with homogeneous seismic behaviour. Usually three levels of seismic microzonation are used. Level 1 consists of collecting existing data and is preparatory for higher levels. At level 2 amplification factors are assigned to microzones through simplified methods such as empirical laws. At level 3 the amplification factors are calculated for each microzone through numerical methods based on extensive geophysical, drilling and seismological investigations. Seismic microzonation is applied in the seismic resistant design of buildings and structures, in territorial and urban planning, and in emergency planning to better address civil protection resources. Since existing microzonations in Slovenia are not sufficient for seismic resistant design and urban planning, it is necessary to start an adequate investigation programme to achieve the second and third levels of seismic microzonation.


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