
  • Eva Dolenc Univerza v Ljubljani, Zdravstvena fakulteta, Ljubljana
  • Patricija Kukec
  • Damjan Slabe Univerza v Ljubljani, Zdravstvena fakulteta, Ljubljana


In providing care for the injured, the first responder resorts to improvisation using utensils from different first aid kits. The triangular bandage is a standard component of the first aid kit. The aim of the research was to identify the differences in the firmness of triangular bandages based on the type of material (fabric/horticultural fleece). The breaking force of 15 different triangular bandages was measured on 60 trial subjects by means of a dynamometer. The results showed that triangular bandages made of fabric are up to thirteen times more firm than those made of horticultural fleece. The appropriate quality of triangular bandages is particularly important in certain first aid procedures, such as preparing of the Esmarch bandage, immobilization, the making of improvised stretchers, and the securing of the injured person on the stretcher. Appropriate care of the injured can only be attained through the use of quality materials which can be achieved by laying down appropriate standards.


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