
  • Romina Korenika Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za gradbeništvo in geodezijo, Ljubljana
  • Dušan Žagar Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za gradbeništvo in geodezijo, Ljubljana


The article addresses the processes of oil deposition on the shore and oil release from the shore in the event of an oil spill at sea. We selected two characteristic sections of sandy and gravel shores on the Slovenian coast. For both we calculated the maximum oil-holding capacity using an empiric equation based on measurements. This approach enables calculation with data which are usually at hand and simple integration of the equation in the numerical models of the oil spill dispersion. For the two selected sections, we have also calculated the release of oil from the shore assuming that the maximum oil-holding capacity is reached. It has been established that oil release from a sandy shore ceases after a few days, while this process is up to three or four orders of magnitude longer on a gravel shore. The knowledge of the shore's oil-holding capacity, the quantity of the subsequently released oil and the duration of the release for different oil and shore types can contribute to a sound response of the appropriate services being in charge for protection of the shore sections from which the oil is released or those that the released oil might reach.


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