
  • Bojan Kuntarič


Even though the members of the Slovenian Armed Forces, including members from the Ivan Molan Military Post in Cerklje near Krka, were deeply involved in the last year's migration crisis and despite an extremely cold weather in December, their fire-fighting and rescue unit, which is the only professional fire-fighting unit in the Slovenian Armed Forces, prepared the Aircraft 2015 Exercise. However, the exercise did not provide training exclusively for military fire-fighters but also for the teams of the neighbouring fire-fighting societies. At the exercise, volunteer fire-fighters, members of the volunteer firemen societies Brege, Drnovo and Vihre, carried out tasks in accordance with their fire-fighting education and training. All three societies belong to the first fire-fighter category and are thus appropriately equipped. At the end of the exercise, all of the involved were satisfied with the overall cooperation.


Komentar vaje, inštruktor za varstvo pred požari in strokovni vodja Letališke gasilsko reševalne službe na Letališču Cerklje ob Krki, poročnik Slavko Zupančič, 10. december 2015, Letališče Cerklje ob Krki.

Pozdravni nagovor poveljnika 107. letalske baze podpolkovnika Mojmirja Liparja, 10. december 2015, Letališče Cerklje ob Krki.

Predstavitev vaje Letalo 2015, vodja vaje nadporočnik Matej Cvetko, 10. december 2015.





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