
  • Bojan Kuntarič


Tourism is one of the strongest industries in most countries in the world. Various companies and individuals market a variety of natural and cultural attractions, from the pyramids, castles, natural bridges, underground caves, to the memories of famous composers, writers and military leaders. It is no different in Slovenia which, despite its smallness, can offer tourists many beautiful sights and attractions. It has the sea, the inland waters, the mountains which offer wonderful opportunities for skiing, and much more. Yet tourism is not only about making money. It is also about the care for the safety of both locals and visitors from other places and countries. Bled, the pearl of Slovenian tourism, is well aware of this. Last year, therefore, the town decided to prepare an exercise which tested the readiness of the local community and its system of protection, rescue and relief in the event of natural and other disasters.


Zapisnik s sestanka Štaba CZ občine Bled o analizi Vaje Potres Bled 2015, ki so se ga udeležili predstavniki deležnikov oziroma vodje posameznih enot in ekip, vodja ocenjevalcev na vaji in poveljniki Prostovoljnih gasilskih društev občine Bled, Bled, 26. 5. 2015.

Načrt za izvedbo vaje Potres Bled 2015, pripravila Skupina za načrtovanje in izvedbo vaje, Bled, marec 2015.

Predstavitev občine; osnovni podatki o občini Bled, splet.





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