
  • Matjaž Bizjak Ministrstvo za obrambo, Združeni operativni center Slovenske vojske, Vojašnica Ivana Cankarja Vrhnika


By adopting two conventions and their annexes, the vast majority of countries have committed themselves to respecting the limitations posed on the production and use of anti-personnel mines and submunition. There has been a downward trend in the number of victims related to these two categories of dangerous explosive ordnance, but the number of victims of anti-tank mines has been increasing and is gradually becoming a recognized global problem. Calculations of the number of anti-tank mines laid around the world are very imprecise. Anti-tank mines have been used in various ways during armed conflicts, all of which have had significant effects on the civilian population. This article presents the issue of anti-tank mines laid around the world and their humanitarian consequences.


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Elektronsko dopisovanje: Saunders, Steve – EOD Operations Officer OKPCC/Kosovo (2001–2006).

Avtorjevi osebni zapiski in dnevnik, ki ga je vodil kot operativni častnik Minskega centra OZN Kosovo od oktobra 1999 do januarja 2001.





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