The 2012–2013 meteorological winter was most characterised by frequent heavy snowfall, leading to deep snow cover in all three winter months. The sum of new snow depth during the whole snowfall season, from August 2012 through July 2013, ranked among the highest in last decades and even recordbreaking in southeastern Slovenia. However, total snow depth and snow water equivalent came close or surpassed the record value of the same period only at some places in Slovenia. Snow cover lasted much longer than normally.
ARSO, 2012a. Obilna dež in sneg od 26. do 28. oktobra 2012. Portal meteo.si, Agencija RS za okolje: http://meteo.arso.gov.si/uploads/probase/www/climate/text/sl/weather_events/obilna-dez-sneg_26-28okt12.pdf (23. 4. 2014).
ARSO, 2012b. Poročilo o snegu, mrazu in vetru od 7. do 13. decembra 2012. Portal meteo.si, Agencija RS za okolje: http://meteo.arso.gov.si/uploads/ probase/www/climate/text/sl/weather_events/ sneg-mraz-veter_dec12.pdf (23. 4. 2014).
ARSO, 2013a. Obilno sneženje in veter od 13. do 18. januarja 2013. Portal meteo.si, Agencija RS za okolje: http://meteo.arso.gov.si/uploads/probase/ www/climate/text/sl/weather_events/obilen-sneg-veter_13-18jan13.pdf (23. 4. 2014).
ARSO, 2013b. Obilno sneženje in debela snežna odeja od 20. do 24. februarja 2013. Portal meteo. si, Agencija RS za okolje: http://meteo.arso.gov.si/uploads/probase/www/climate/text/sl/weather_events/obilen-sneg_20-24feb13.pdf (23. 4. 2014).
ARSO, 2013c. Mraz, sneg in močan veter od 23. do 28. marca 2013. Portal meteo.si, Agencija RS za okolje: http://meteo.arso.gov.si/uploads/probase/www/climate/text/sl/weather_events/mraz-sneg-veter_23-28mar13.pdf (23. 4. 2014).
Markošek, J., 2012. Razvoj vremena. V: Mesečni bilten Agencije RS za okolje, oktober 2012, Ministrstvo za okolje in kmetijstvo RS, Agencija RS za okolje.
Markošek, J., 2013. Razvoj vremena. V: Mesečni bilten Agencije RS za okolje, februar 2013, Ministrstvo za okolje in kmetijstvo RS, Agencija RS za okolje.
Meteorološki arhiv Agencije RS za okolje.
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