The research projects POTROG - Seismic Risk in Slovenia for Civil Protection (Lutman et al., 2013) for the Administration of the Republic of Slovenia for Civil Protection and Disaster Relief, and Assessment of Seismic Risk for the Municipality of Ljubljana (Banovec et al., 2013) were performed by three partners: Slovenian National Building and Civil Engineering Institute, Slovenian Environment Agency and Water Science Institute. The seismic resistance and vulnerability of 155 individual buildings, important for civil protection (fire stations, hospitals, health centres, schools) in areas of higher seismic hazard in Slovenia were assessed, using the “PO-ZID”, “PO-AB” and “RAN-Z” methods. On the basis of estimates of seismic resistance and vulnerability of more than 1,300 individual buildings, the correlations between seismic vulnerability and the relevant characteristics of buildings were established. Using the National Real Estate Register (REN), the seismic resistance and vulnerability of the majority of buildings in areas of higher seismic hazard were roughly assessed. Based on the statistical analysis of these results, the most probable damage grade of buildings according to European Macroseismic Scale (EMS-98) was estimated. Several web applications have been developed. A Rapid Response System for a comprehensive support is intended for the needs of Civil Protection services in order to estimate the number of damaged buildings and residents in various districts in case of major earthquake. Earthquake damage and usability form has been upgraded in terms of content and design. Another web application allows individual citizens to estimate the expected damage to their buildings in case of earthquake and understand the significance of certain characteristics of a building, the maintenance and structural interventions affecting its seismic vulnerability. The educational leaflets, brochures and posters for households, citizens and children were upgraded.
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