
  • Mateja Klaneček Ministrstvo za kmetijstvo in okolje, ARSO, Oddelek porečja reke Drave, Maribor


On 5 and 6 November 2012, increased water discharges in the Drava River basin caused a major natural disaster. Drava flooded the areas along its entire stream – from Dravograd to the national border with Croatia. The flood wave affected affected residential areas, agricultural land, and road and water infrastructure. The discharges of the Drava tributaries also increased. A few days after the flood event, response operations were launched in the Meža, Mislinja, Radoljna, Oplotnica, Dravinja and Pesnica River basins. The damage to the diversion canal of the Formin hydroelectric power plant presented the major issue. By February 2013 or until urgent restoration works had been carried out in the diversion canal, the entire flow of the Drava River below the dam in Markovci ran along the Drava Basin. Under normal conditions, approximately 400 m3 and more ran along the diversion canal of the Formin hydroelectric power plant. These water quantities only returned to the Drava River basin in Ormož. Due to increased water levels during the time of Formin power plant’s malfunction, there was a greater possibility of floods in the settlements situated below the power plant. Part of a post-flood recovery program is planned to be carried out this year.


Poročilo o visokih vodah na porečju reke Drave, 5.–6. novembra 2012, Vodnogospodarsko podjetje Drava Ptuj, november 2012.

Program GJSUV 2012, porečje reke Drave – intervencijska dela po neurju 5. in 6. 11. 2012, Vodnogospodarsko podjetje Drava Ptuj, december 2012.

Drava – vzdrževanje pretočnosti po poplavah v novembru 2012 na odseku od Maribora do Ptuja – interventni program, Vodnogospodarsko podjetje Drava Ptuj, januar 2013.

Drava – vzdrževanje pretočnosti po poplavah v novembru 2012 na odseku od jezu v Markovcih do državne meje pri Zavrču – interventni program, Vodnogospodarsko podjetje Drava Ptuj, december 2012.

Internet 1: http://www.arso.gov.si/vode/poro%C4%8Dila%20in%20publikacije/Poplave%205.%20-%206.%20november%202012.pdf (18. 6. 2013).





Natural and other disasters in Slovenia