
  • Urška Pavlič Ministrstvo za kmetijstvo in okolje, ARSO, Ljubljana


In 2012, most aquifers in Slovenia witnessed short or long drought. In terms of water amount, the aquifers of the Drava, Ptuj Krško and Brežice Fields were most affected, as certain water levels would drop below the threshold level already at the end of 2011. Due to a significant and long precipitation deficit in karst aquifers, drought monitoring period was longest for the Rižana spring karst hinterland, and in the Notranjska and Dolenjska regions. During increased demand for groundwater, restrictions were imposed on the use of water collected from the supply networks in Rižana, Logaško and Novo mesto. Drought severity level in some aquifers exceeded that of 2003.


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Natural and other disasters in Slovenia