
  • Tamara Jesenko Ministrstvo za kmetijstvo in okolje, ARSO, Urad za seizmologijo in geologijo, Ljubljana


There were 62 earthquakes in the world in 2012 that either reached or exceeded a moment magnitude (MW) of 6.5, causing major damage to buildings and other structures, or claiming human lives. Two earthquakes had moment magnitude greater than 8.0 and 13 between 7.0 and 7.9. There were 17 earthquakes that claimed human lives; in total there were at least 768 victims. The most devastating earthquake in 2012 happened on 11 August in northwestern Iran which claimed 306 casualties. The 11 April earthquake offshore the west coast of Northern Sumatra ranked first in terms of released energy, with a moment magnitude of 8.6. The deepest earthquake happened on 14 August in the Sea of Okhotsk with a hypocentre 626 km below the surface and the moment magnitude of 7.7. The strongest earthquake in Europe with the moment magnitude 6.0 happened on 20 May in northern Italy in the Emilia-Romagna province. Nine days later, on 29 May, another strong earthquake hit the same epicentral area (MW = 5.8). The two earthquakes claimed 24 casualties and were felt also in Slovenia.


Indian ocean earthquakes. Wikipedia The Free Encyclopedia [online] (posodobljeno 28. 4. 2013). Dostopno na: Indian_Ocean_earthquake (uporabljeno 6. 5. 2013).

ARSO, Urad za seizmologijo in geologijo, 2012. Preliminarni seizmološki bilten, 2012. Agencija RS za okolje, Urad za seizmologijo in geologijo, Ljubljana.

CSEM, 2012a. Mw 8.6 off W coast of Northern Sumatra on April 11th 2012 at 08:38UTC. Centre Sismologique Euro-Méditerranéen (posodobljeno 16. 4. 2012). (uporabljeno 6. 5. 2013).

Jesenko, T., Šket Motnikar, B., Živčić, M., Čarman, M., Prosen, T., 2013. Potresi v Sloveniji 2012. Ujma, 27.

Lapajne, J., 2008. Nekateri tektonski, seizmotektonski in seizmološki termini – 1. del, Ujma 22, 316– 323.

Flinn-Engdahl regions. Wikipedia The Free Encyclopedia [online] (posodobljeno 21. 3. 2012). Dostopno na: (uporabljeno 6. 5. 2013).

NEIC, 2012a. Significant Earthquakes of the World 2012. US Department of the Interior. Geological Survey, National Earthquake Information Center (posodobljeno 19. 11. 2012). sig_2012.php (uporabljeno 6. 5. 2013).

NEIC, 2012b. 2012 Significant Earthquakes and News Headlines Archive. US Department of the Interior. Geological Survey, National Earthquake Information Center. (uporabljeno 6. 5. 2013).

NEIC, 2012c. Poster of the Ahar, Iran Earthquake of August 2012 – magnitude 6,4. US Department of the Interior. Geological Survey, National Earthquake Information Center. 2012/20120811.php (uporabljeno 6. 5. 2013).

NEIC, 2012d. Magnitude 7.7 – Sea of Okhotsk August 14, 2012. US Department of the Interior. Geological Survey, National Earthquake Information Center. (uporabljeno 6. 5. 2013).

NEIC, 2013a. Earthquake Facts and Statistics. US Department of the Interior. Geological Survey, National Earthquake Information Center (posodobljeno 27. 11. 2012). (uporabljeno 6. 5. 2013).

Sinčič, P., Tasič, I., Živčić, M., Prosen, T., 2010. Potresne opazovalnice v Sloveniji v letu 2009. Potresi v letu 2009 (ur. dr. A. Gosar), Agencija RS za okolje Urad za seizmologijo in geologijo, Ljubljana, 9–19.





Natural and other disasters abroad