In 2003, the municipality of Ljubljana seismic microzonation map was prepared by the Slovenian Environment Agency on the basis of the official seismic hazard map of Slovenia – a design ground acceleration. In 2011, a new intensity map of Slovenia was published. which was used as a basis for a new microzonation of the Ljubljana municipality as part of the project “Seismic Vulnerability Assessment for the Municipality of Ljubljana”. The highest values of ground acceleration and intensity are expected in the Ljubljansko barje - moor area south of the city (ground acceleration 0.640 g and intensity IX EMS-98), while the lowest values are expected in the hills surrounding northern part of the city (ground acceleration 0.250 g and intensity VII – VIII EMS-98). Both microzonation maps should be used in the system of protection from natural and other disasters and to better define the seismic risk of the capital city.
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