
  • Andrej Gosar Ministrstvo za kmetijstvo in okolje, ARSO, Urad za seizmologijo in geologijo, Ljubljana


On the 6 April 2009, the town of L'Aquila was devastated by a 6.3-magnitude earthquake in which 308 persons died. Before the earthquake, an increased seismic activity took place, which cannot be used to forecast a devastating earthquake according to the scientific knowledge, because in large majority such sequences are not followed by a large earthquake, and because it is generally accepted that short-term earthquake prediction is not possible. Nevertheless, a public prosecutor accused seven members of the Italian commission for the forecast and prevetion of major risks who participated at the meeting in L'Aqulia six days before the earthquake, of manslaughter and underestimation of the risk indicators. In the trial, they were all sentenced to six year in prison. This drew strong response in the scientific community all over the world. Several questions were raised: was this a trial against science or against the communication with the public about the risk related to the possible occurrence of natural disaster, or against an unclearly defined role of scientists and authorities in it.


Cecić, I., Godec, M., 2010. Potres pri L'Aquili (srednja Italija) 6. aprila 2009. Ujma 24, 90–96.

Gosar, A., 2011. Predhodniki (znanilci) potresov – pregled opazovanj in pojasnjevalnih modelov. Ujma 25, 178–185.

Hall, S. S., 2011. At fault? Nature 477, 264–269.

IASPEI, 2012. IASPEI Press release on the L'Aquila sentence.

IUGG, 2010. IUGG Statement on freedom to conduct science and responsibilities of scientists. http:// conduct_science.pdf

Jordan, T. H., Chen, Y.T., Gasparini, P., Madariaga, R., Main, I., Marzocchi, W., Papadopoulos, G., Sobolev, G., Yamaoka, K., and Zschau, J., 2011. Operational earthquake forecasting: state of knowledge and guidelines for implementation, Final Report of the International Commission on Earthquake Forecasting for Civil Protection, Annals of Geophysics, 54/4, 315–391.

Jordan, T. H., 2013. Lessons of L’Aquila for Operational Earthquake Forecasting. Seismological Research Letters, 84/1, 4–7.

Marzocchi, W., 2012. Putting science on trail. Physics World, December 2012, 17–18.

Nosengo, N., 2012. L’Aquila verdict row grows. Nature 491, 15–16.

Ropeik, D., 2012. The L’Aquila verdict: A judgement not against science, but against a failure of science communication. Scientific American, October 2012.

Wikipedia, 2012. 2009: L’Aquila earthquake.’Aquila_earthquake.





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