
  • Tamara Jesenko Ministrstvo za kmetijstvo in okolje, ARSO, Urad za seizmologijo in geologijo, Ljubljana


There were 74 earthquakes around the world in 2011, which reached or exceeded the magnitude of 6.5 and caused major damage to buildings and other structures or even claimed human lives. The moment magnitude (Mw) of one earthquake was greater than 8.0, while nineteen earthquakes reached the moment magnitude between 7.0 and 7.9. In 2011, there were at least 17 earthquakes that claimed human lives; in total, there were 21,953 victims. The most devastating earthquake (Mw = 9.0) in 2011 occurred on 11 March at 05:46 UTC (14:46 local time) below the ocean floor in the area of the Japanese deep-sea trench, near the east coast of Honshu, Japan, in which over 20,890 people were killed. The deepest earthquake with a hypocentre of 645 km below the Earth’s surface and the moment magnitude of 7.3 occurred on 15 September below the ocean floor in the area of the Fiji Basin.


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NEIC, 2011b. Magnitude 9.0 – Near the East Coast of Honshu, Japan March 11, 2011. US Department of the Interior. Geological Survey, National Earthquake Information Center. 0001xgp/#summary/ (Uporabljeno 24. 5. 2012).

NEIC, 2011c. Magnitude 7.1 – Eastern Turkey October 23, 2011. US Department of the Interior. Geological Survey, National Earthquake Informa¬tion Center. (Uporablje¬no 24. 5. 2012).

NEIC, 2011d. Magnitude 7.3 – Fiji Region September 15, 2011. US Department of the Interior. Geological Survey, National Earthquake Information Center. (Uporabljeno 31. 5. 2012).

NEIC, 2012 a. Earthquake Facts and Statistics. US Department of the Interior. Geological Survey, National Earthquake Information Center. (Posodobljeno 24. 5. 2012.) (Uporabljeno 24. 5. 2012).

NEIC, 2012 b. Largest Earthquakes of the World since 1900. US Department of the Interior. Geological Survey, National Earthquake Information Center. (Posodobljeno 11. 4. 2012.) http://earthquake. php (Uporabljeno 25. 5. 2012).

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Natural and other disasters abroad