
  • Gašper Rak Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za gradbeništvo in geodezijo, KMTe, Ljubljana
  • Gašper Zupančič Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za gradbeništvo in geodezijo, KMTe, Ljubljana
  • Jože Papež Hidrotehnik, vodnogospodarsko podjetje d. d., Ljubljana
  • Daniel Kozelj Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za gradbeništvo in geodezijo, KMTe, Ljubljana


Provision of continuous transport links between economic and social centres and their hinterland is the basis of economic development and broader social welfare. These links may be interrupted by human activities and natural processes, particularly extreme events. For this reason, in order to avoid adverse effects, the best approach is to build traffic routes in areas where the risk of natural disasters is the lowest. In the Alpine region, formed by mountains, hills and intermediate, sometimes very narrow, valleys, transport infrastructure can often only be built in more or less exposed areas. The Alpine world, in which, due to topographic and climatic characteristics, conditions for welfare and prosperity are already more difficult than in lowland areas, is additionally paralysed by the suspension of transport links. Integration of the existing knowledge on the management of natural hazards and its introduction into the field of transport infrastructure security was the goal of the EU PARAmount project. The project is part of the “Objective 3 European Territorial Cooperation 2007-2013 / Operational Programme ‘Alpine Space’” and is partially funded by the European Regional Development Fund. The project includes 13 partners from five Alpine countries. As part of the project, the Slovenian partners (the Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering of the University of Ljubljana and the Torrent and Erosion Control Service) produced hazard, vulnerability and risk maps for the event of avalanches and rockfalls in the test area: section of the Bohinj railway line Podbrdo – Most na Soči (Baška grapa).


Abbot, B., Bruce, I., Savigny, W., Keegan, T., Oboni, F., 1998. Application of a new methodology for the management of rockfall risk along a railway. Proceedings of the 8th International IAEG congress, Rotterdam, Nizozemska, 1201–1208.

Blattenberger, G., in Fowles, R., 1994. The Road Closure Decision in Little Cottonwood Canyon. Proceedings of the 1994 International Snow Science Workshop, Snowbird, Utah, ZDA.

Bündl, M., Romang, H. E., Bishof, N., in Rheinberger, C. M., 2009. The risk concept and its application in natural hazard risk management in Switzerland. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, zvezek 9, 801–813.

Jaiswal, P., van Westen, C. J., in Jetten, V., 2010. Quantitative assessment of direct and indirect landslide risk along transportation lines in southern India. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, zvezek 10, 1253–1267.

Kristensen, K., in Harbitz, C. B., 2003. Road Traffic and Avalanches – Methods for Risk Evaluation and Risk Management. Surveys in Geophysics, 24 (5–6), 603–616.

Leica Geosystem, 2009. Leica Zeno CS 15, merilna oprema GPS.

Papež, J., Steinman, F., Rak, G., 2010. 10. slovenski kongres o cestah in prometu, Portorož, 509– 515.

Pravilnik o metodologiji za določanje območij, ogroženih zaradi poplav in z njimi povezane erozije celinskih voda in morja, ter o načinu razvrščanja zemljišč v razrede ogroženosti (Uradni list RS, št. 60/2007).

Preston, J., Rajé, F., 2007. Accessibility, mobility and transport-related social exclusion. Journal of Transport Geography 15, 151–160.

Proceedings of 25 Years of Snow Avalanche Research at NGI, Voss, Norveška, 288–293.

Projekt PARAmount – izboljšanje preventivnega upravljanja tveganj pred naravnimi nevarnostmi na področju železniškega in cestnega prometa na območju Alp

Sirk, K., 2011. Ocena nevarnosti snežnih plazov na železniškem odseku Podbrdo–Hudajužna. Diplomska naloga, mentor: F. Steinman, somentor: G. Rak, UL FGG, Ljubljana.

Wilhelm, C., 1998. Quantitative risk analysis for evaluation of avalanche protection projects.





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