Severe convection recognition is one of the key elements of proper monitoring of developments in the atmosphere. Identification of typical patterns in satellite images, in combination with the knowledge of meteorological conceptual models of severe convection, allows meteorological forecasters prompt identification of processes which can cause great material damage or endanger human lives. The article presents several examples from the summer of 2011 when there were damage reports on property due to severe wind gusts, heavy precipitation and particularly hailstorms. In these cases, typical patterns can be seen in satellite images, which indicate the intensity of convection and, in some cases, a possible long lasting convection. Special emphasis is placed on the description of 11 July 2011; that day stood out as regards both the intensity and the material damage caused.
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Uprava RS za zaščito in reševanje, 2011a. Pomembnejši dogodki s področja sistema varstva pred naravnimi in drugimi nesrečami dne 21. maja 2011. Dnevni bilten. Ministrstvo za obrambo RS.
Uprava RS za zaščito in reševanje, 2011b. Pomembnejši dogodki s področja sistema varstva pred naravnimi in drugimi nesrečami dne 11. julija 2011. Dnevni bilten. Ministrstvo za obrambo RS.

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