
  • Marko Komac Geološki zavod Slovenije, Ljubljana
  • Blaž Milanič Geološki zavod Slovenije, Ljubljana
  • Jernej Jež Geološki zavod Slovenije, Ljubljana
  • Miloš Bavec Geološki zavod Slovenije, Ljubljana
  • Rachel Holley Fugro NPA Limited, Edenbridge, United Kingdom
  • Pooja Mahapatra Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands
  • Hans van der Marel Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands
  • Alan Fromberg Systems Engineering and Assessment Limited, Bristol, United Kingdom


The development of remote sensing techniques enables the application of new methods for monitoring the Earth’s surface almost on a daily basis. As a result, remote sensing has been intensively used, especially in the last decade, in the field of monitoring, and mitigation and prevention of natural and anthropogenic disasters. One of the fields that profits from combining remote sensing and in-situ data is monitoring surface displacements due to slope mass movement processes. Six partners have joined knowledge, expertise and technology in the framework of the European project called Integrated Interferometry and GNSS for Precision Survey (I2GPS) to develop a unique unit that combines two existing techniques – radar interferometry and GPS – and thus enables displacement monitoring in three dimensions. The landslide area above Koroška Bela near Jesenice was chosen for the testing of the developed unit.


Jemec Auflič, M., Čarman, M., Komac, M., 2011. Assessing of spatio-temporal factors influencing landslides using PSInSAR data. V: Catani, F. (ur.). Abstract book: The Second World Landslide Forum: Putting Science into Practice: Under the High Patronage of the President of the Italian Republic: FAO Headquaetes, Roma, 3–9 October 2011. Rome: ISPRA, str. 226.

Jemec Auflič, M., Komac, M., 2010. Properties of PSInSAR measurements in the region of the Cerkljansko and Škofja Loka hills. V: Košir, A. (ur.), Horvat, A. (ur.), Zupan Hajna, N. (ur.), Otoničar, B. (ur.). 3. Slovenski geološki kongres, Bovec, 16.–18. september 2010. Povzetki in ekskurzije. Postojna: Znanstvenoraziskovalni center SAZU, Inštitut za raziskovanje krasa; Ljubljana: Paleontološki inštitut Ivana Rakovca, str. 24.

Jemec Auflič, M., Komac, M., 2011. Detecting landslides with PSInSAR method. V: Trauner, L. (ur.), Škrabl, S. (ur.), Žlender, B. (ur.), Dolinar, B. (ur.), Macuh, B. (ur.), Vrecl-Kojc, H. (ur.). 3rd YELGIP International Workshop on Landslides, 18 January 2011, Maribor, Slovenia. 3rd YELGIP International Workshop on Landslides, 18 January 2011, Maribor, Slovenia. Maribor: Faculty of Civil Engineering, 33–38.

Jež, J., Mikoš, M., Trajanova, M., Kumelj, Š., Bavec, M., 2008. Vršaj Koroška Bela – Rezultat katastrofičnih pobočnih dogodkov. Geologija. 51/2: 219–227.

Komac, M., 2009. Geološko pogojene nevarnosti = Geohazard. V: Pleničar, M. (ur.), Ogorelec, B. (ur.), Novak, M. (ur.), Bavec, M. Geologija Slovenije. Ljubljana: Geološki zavod Slovenije, 589–596.

Komac, M., Bavec, M., 2007a. Application of PSInSAR for observing the vertical component of the recent surface displacement in Julian Alps. Geologija. 50/1: 97–110.

Komac, M., Bavec, M., 2007b. Detection of mass movements in Alpine Slovenia using PSInSAR data. V: 32nd International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment, San José, 25-29 June 2007. Sustainable development through global earth observations. San José: [Org. odb.], 5 str.

Komac, M., Bavec, M., 2007c. PSInSAR data analysis - an insight into active tectonics and mass movements in west Slovenia. V: Kortnik, J. (ur.), Bajželj, U. (ur.), Grilc, V. (ur.), Hrast, K. (ur.), Ivanc, M. (ur.), Jelen, B. (ur.), Leskošek, M. (ur.), Leskovar, J. (ur.), Podlipnik, B. (ur.), Vovk, M. (ur.). International Conference Waste Management, Environmental Geotechnology and Global Sustainable Development - ICWMEGGSD’07 - GzO’07, August 28-30, 2007, Ljubljana, Slovenia. Minimizacija količin odpadkov in trajnostni razvoj: book of abstracts = Zbornik povzetkov Mednarodne konference Gospodarjenje z odpadki, okoljska geotehnologija in trajnostni razvoj - ICWMEGGSD’07 in 8. strokovnega posvetovanja z mednarodno udeležbo Gospodarjenje z odpadki - GzO’07. Ljubljana: Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering, Department of Geotechnology and Mining: = Naravoslovnotehniška fakulteta, Oddelek za geotehnologijo in rudarstvo, str. 5.

Komac, M., Bavec, M., Sušnik, A., 2008. Analysis of the surface deformation based on PSInSAR method in the area of Ljubljana Marsh in the frame of the Terrafirma campaign: final report. Ljubljana: Geološki zavod Slovenije, 40 str.

Komac, M., Kumelj, Š., Ribičič, M., 2009. Model dovzetnosti za pojavljanje drobirskih tokov v Sloveniji v merilu 1 : 250.000. Geologija 52/1, 87–104.

Komac, M., Milanič, B., Mahapatra, P., Hanssen, R., Van der Marel, H., Holley, R., Fromberg, A., 2012. I2GPS – a new approach to 3D surface displacement monitoring. V: The 10th Anniversary Meeting [of] the International Consortium on Landslides (ICL), 17-20 January 2012, Kyoto, Japan : ICL strategic planning for 2012-2021, 119–133.

Mahapatra, P., Hanssen, R., Van der Marel, H., Chang, L., Dheenathayalan, P., Delgado Blasco, J-M., Esteves Martins, J., Holley, R., Komac, M., Prior, C., Fromberg, A., 2011. A comparative study of corner reflectors, compact active transponders and I2GPS for monitoring deformation in areas with low spatial density of persistent scatterers: the Delft field experiment. In: Proceedings of FRINGE2011, 8th International Workshop on “Advances in the Science and Applications of SAR Interferometry“, 19–23 September 2011, Frascati, Italy (ESA, September 2011). European Space Agency, pp. 106–107.

Mikoš, M., Sodnik, J., Podobnikar, T., Fidej, G., Bavec, M., Celarc, B., Jež, J., Rak, G., Papež, J., 2012. PARAmount - European research project on transport infrastructure safety in the Alps. V: The 10th Anniversary Meeting [of] the International Consortium on Landslides (ICL), 17-20 January 2012, Kyoto, Japan : ICL strategic planning for 2012- 2021, 111–118.

Milanič, B., Vrabec, M., Oštir, K., Komac, M., Bavec, M., 2009. Ocena recentnih tektonskih premikov v severozahodni Sloveniji na podlagi primerjave PSINSAR podatkov in nivelmanske izmere. V: Horvat, A. (ur.). 19. posvetovanje slovenskih geologov = 19th Meeting of Slovenian Geologists, Ljubljana, marec 2009. Razprave, poročila, (Geološki zbornik, 20). Ljubljana: Univerza v Ljubljani, Naravoslovnotehniška fakulteta, Oddelek za geologijo, 102–106.

Oštir, K., Komac, M., 2007. PSInSAR and DInSAR methodology comparison and their applicability in the field of surface deformations - a case of NW Slovenia = Primerjava uporabe metodologije PSInSAR in DInSAR za opazovanje premikov površja – primer SZ dela Slovenije. Geologija 50/1, 77–96.

Splet 1 – Državna meteorološka služba – Podatkovni portal meteo.si, Ministrstvo za kmetjstvo in okolje, Agencija Republike Slovenije za okolje. (http://meteo.arso.gov.si/met/sl/archive/, 15. 5. 2012).

Žibret, G., Komac, M., Jemec, M., (in print). Assessing the relation between PSInSAR displacements (related to soil creep) on unstable slopes and rainfall intensities in western Slovenia.





Research and development