
  • Franja Turk Stojanovič Ministrstvo za obrambo, Uprava RS za zaščito in reševanje, Ljubljana


In order to increase the level of preparedness for radiological accidents in the Republic of Slovenia, the Government of the RS adopted the National Emergency Response Plan for Nuclear and Radiological Accidents, Version 3.0 during its session on 22 July 2010. The National plan was developed by the RS Administration for Civil Protection and Disaster Relief (ACPDR) in close cooperation with the Slovenian Nuclear Safety Administration (SNSA). Details were coordinated by a special working group, covering all planning levels, including the Krško Nuclear Power Plant. Fundamental modifications to the plan are:

– The plan covers accidents at the Krško Nuclear Power Plant (NPP), accidents in other nuclear and radiation facilities in the Republic of Slovenia (RS), nuclear and radiological accidents abroad with a potential impact on the Republic of Slovenia, and other radiological accidents involving ionising radiation sources.

– The plan integrates lessons learned in the last comprehensive exercise Krško NPP, on the basis of which particularly the evacuation measure is modified, both as regards planning as well as organizational and other solutions.

– The plan integrates lessons learned and conclusions of special inter-ministerial group studying the consequences of an incident in the Krško NPP 2008 and the notification system of other countries and international organizations.

– The integration of all capabilities regarding radiological monitoring is planned under a single command in the event of nuclear accident in the Krško NPP, nuclear or radiological accident abroad with a potential impact on the Republic of Slovenia, and other radiological accidents involving radiation sources.

– A new concept of the advanced distribution of potassium iodide tablets has been enforced, which is related to the new Rules on the Use of Potassium Tablets, developed and published by the Ministry of Health in cooperation with the Ministry of Defence and the Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning.





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