
  • Ines Dakskobler Savšek Ministrstvo za obrambo, Uprava RS za zaščito in reševanje, Ljubljana
  • Alenka Kraigher Inštitut za varovanje zdravja RS, Trubarjeva 2, Ljubljana


2009 was characterized by a global influenza pandemic, caused by the new influenza virus A (H1N1) 2009. Flu pandemics are not a new phenomenon. Outbreaks occurred in 1918/19 (the Spanish flu), in 1957/58 (the Asian flu) and in 1968/69 (the Hong Kong flu). Countries worked for several years in preparation of a possible outbreak by planning of activities and capabilities. Great attention was paid to mutual preparedness for a pandemic and the identification of possible areas of cooperation. Coordination of EU activities was extensive and depended on reliable structures. The flu pandemic also spread throughout the territory of Slovenia. Competent services warned inhabitants of proper protection and measures to be taken upon the outbreak of the disease. Was it an overreaction or a necessity? In 2011, the RS Administration for Civil Protection and Disaster Relief and the Institute of Public Health of the RS elaborated a new national threat assessment in the event of infectious human diseases due to the possibility of an outbreak, occurrence of an epidemic or even a pandemic of infectious diseases, as well as the possibility of the spread of infectious diseases across national borders. A new National Emergency Response Plan in the Event of Human Infectious Disease is in preparation. The way of life, environmental changes and many other factors explain why infectious diseases remain a significant factor that may threaten the health and lives of the Slovenian population of all age groups.


Kraigher, A., Berger, A., 2006. Zdravstvena dimenzija ogrožanja nacionalne varnosti. V: Varstvoslovje, let. 8, št. 1, str. 60–1 (COBISS SI-ID 1157610).

Kraigher, A., Berger, A., 2007. Zdravstveno ogrožanje nacionalne varnosti. V: Model celovitega ocenjevanja ogrožanja nacionalne varnosti Republike Slovenije, I. Prezelj (ur.), Ministrstvo za obrambo, Direktorat za obrambne zadeve, Sektor za civilno obrambo, Ljubljana, str. 125–146.

Kraigher, A., Berger, A., 2009. Zdravstveno ogrožanje nacionalne varnosti. Inštitut za varovanje zdravja.

Kraigher, A., Pahor, L., 2002. Nalezljive bolezni. V: Nesreče in varstvo pred njimi, B. Ušeničnik (ur.), Uprava RS za zaščito in reševanje, Ljubljana, str. 351–359.

Likar, M. 2002. Razvojna paradigma nalezljivih bolezni. V: Nesreče in varstvo pred njimi, B. Ušeničnik (ur.), Uprava RS za zaščito in reševanje, Ljubljana, str. 346–350.

Marolt - Gomišček, M., Radšel - Medvešček, A., 2002. Infekcijske bolezni. Založba Tangram.

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