
  • Igor Strojan Ministrstvo za okolje in prostor, Agencija RS za okolje, Ljubljana
  • Mira Kobold Ministrstvo za okolje in prostor, Agencija RS za okolje, Ljubljana
  • Mojca Robič Ministrstvo za okolje in prostor, Agencija RS za okolje, Ljubljana
  • Nejc Pogačnik Ministrstvo za okolje in prostor, Agencija RS za okolje, Ljubljana
  • Denis Kosec Ministrstvo za okolje in prostor, Agencija RS za okolje, Ljubljana


The rainfall and snowmelt in the period between 23 and 27 December 2009 caused one of the largest floods in recent years. Over 500 mm of rain fell within five days. Rivers and lakes flooded and land slides and avalanches occurred. Excluding the north eastern part of the country, the flood affected large parts of Slovenia,. The flooding phenomenon occurred in two connected periods. In the first, on 23 December, rivers flooded in the western and central parts of Slovenia. By this time, the 15 cm deep lowland snow cover had melted. In the second period, on 25 December, when flood peaks were already high, rivers also began to flood in the southern part of the country. The greatest material damage was caused in the second period. Fortunately, no human life was lost. The public and protection and rescue services had been notified of the approaching flash flood in time. For this reason, the implementation of flood protection measures was possible.


Arhiv ARSO.

Hidrološko poročilo o povodnji v dneh od 23. do 27. decembra 2009 (http://www.arso.gov.si/vode/poročila in publikacije/).

Poročilo o vremenski in hidrološki situaciji 23.–27. decembra 2009 (www.arso.gov.si, www.meteo.si/met/sl/climate/natural-hazards).

Simpson, M. R., 2001. Discharge Measurements Usinga Broad-Band Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler. USGS Department of the Interior, Sacramento, str. 123.

Trček, R., Cankar, B., 2006. Meritve visokovodnih pretokov slovenskih rek z ultrazvočnimi merilniki. Ujma, 2006, št. 20, Ljubljana, str. 182–187.

Trček, R., Cankar, B., 2007. Navodila za vodenje, izvajanje in kontrolo hidrometričnih meritev pretoka. ARSO – interno gradivo, Ljubljana, str. 27.





Natural and other disasters in Slovenia