On Monday, 6 April 2009, at 3.32 a.m. local time, an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.2 hit L'Aquila in central Italy, a town with 73000 inhabitants and the capital of the Italian province of Abruzzo. According to official data, 308 people died in the earthquake, 1500 were injured and 10-15 thousand buildings were damaged. The authorities temporarily moved 80000 inhabitants, 24000 of them being homeless. Immediately after the earthquake, seismologists and geologists started field surveys in order to collect data on the earthquake’s effect on the buildings and the environment. Two Slovenian experts joined the efforts and helped collecting the macro seismic data in L'Aquila and the surrounding area.
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Stucchi, M., Meletti, C., Rovida, A., D'Amico, V., Gomez Capera, A.A., 2009. Historical earthquakes and seismical hazard of the L'Aquila area. Progettazione sismica, No 3, Special issue, IUSS Press, Pavia, 23–34.
Tertulliani, A., Rossi, A., Cucci, L., Vecchi, M., 2009. L'Aquila (Central Italy) earthquakes: the predecessors of the April 6, 2009 event. Seismological Research Letters, vol. 80(6): 1008–1013.
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