
  • Nejc Pogačnik Ministrstvo za okolje in prostor, Agencija RS za okolje, Ljubljana
  • Eva Rotar SCT, d. d., Ljubljana
  • Gašper Rak Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za gradbeništvo in geodezijo, Ljubljana


Warning as part of passive protection against harmful effects of water has become an important component of the system of protection against harmful effects of water. The article identifies the users of warning messages and analyzes the reasons why in some cases they do not reach the users or are not responded to. As the link with the activity and the role of public institutions is also an issue, the article gives recommendations for flood storm managers in terms of developing communication with the affected areas and providing technical capabilities for all users of flood warnings. The final part of the paper outlines the planned development of new warning options for protection against harmful effects of water. In cooperation with the RS Administration for civil protection and disaster relief and the RS Notification centre, the Department for hydrologic prognosis is already preparing an upgraded version of the warning mechanism in the event of flood storms, whereby the established warning system METEOALARM ( for rigours of the weather will be expanded with the subsystem HIDROALARM for warnings against harmful water effects.


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