
  • Luka Karlin Gasilska brigada Ljubljana, Ljubljana
  • Damjan Slabe Univerza v Ljubljani, Zdravstvena fakulteta, Ljubljana


Starting points: The primary task of professional firefighters in major traffic accidents is to provide technical assistance to enable access of first aid teams to the injured, safe work conditions and the required support for the care of victims. Purpose: The purpose of the survey is to determine the role of professional firefigthers of the Ljubljana fire brigade in administering first aid to the victims of traffic accidents. Methods of work: The survey is based on direct gathering of data through a questionnaire. The data was analyzed in terms of their quantity and quality. The survey involved 89 (70 %) full-time professional firefighters of the Ljubljana fire brigade. Results: 98% of respondents have already administered first aid to victims in their function of professional firefighters. In most cases they applied neck braces and scoop stretchers with head immobilizers, and treated the injuries. Occasionally they carried out aspiration of airways though mouth and mouththroat intubation, and administered first aid during hazardous material accidents. The feelings among respondents about their competence for performing such measures varied. They expressed their need to share more theoretical and practical training with paramedics. Discussion and conclusions: Professional firefighters are one of the key segments of the nation-wide network of protection, rescue and relief forces. First aid provided to the victims is especially vital when firefigthers arrive first to the scene of the traffic accident. It would be sensible to establish a modular system of professional firefighter training in first aid and to formally determine types of activity that fall under responsibility of professional firefighters in administering immediate health care and first aid to the victims.


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