
  • Bojan Kuntarič Ministrstvo za obrambo, Uprava RS za zaščito in reševanje, Ljubljana


Over the past few years, a number of accidents have occurred at some Slovenian ski resorts and skiing facilities. The investigation into the accident at the Golte Ski Centre (carried out by the Administration of the Republic of Slovenia for Civil Protection and Disaster Relief) revealed a need for improving rescue procedures during such accidents. In the same year, the first exercise with representatives of Slovenia’s ski lift operators was conducted on Golte, and was followed up by exercises at the Krvavec and Cerkno ski resorts in 2009. Although accidents are still a frequent occurrence at Slovenian ski resorts, the exercises have proven to have been appropriate and reasonable. The Cerkno 2009 Exercise received good grades for the competence of the rescue personnel and coordinated action at the site of the »accident«. Indicative of this is the fact that rescuers needed less than an hour to rescue 32 passengers in one scenario. Of course, however, there is still room to carry out the operations at a greater speed and with more accuracy, and safety in mind.


Mag. Boris Balant, generalni direktor URSZR, izjava za medije, 7. november 2009.

Mag. Samo Kosmač, vodja Izpostave URSZR Nova Gorica, izjava za medije, 7. november 2009.

Poročilo o vaji Nesreča na žičnici – SC Cerkno 2009.

Sklep o pripravi in izvedbi vaje Nesreča na žičnici SC Cerkno 2009. Načrt za izvedbo vaje Nesreča na žičnici SC Cerkno 2009.





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