
  • Matjaž Bizjak Slovenska vojska, ITA JOHQ, Rim


In 1997, the UN issued the first Humanitarian Demining Standards which had the status of a working document. With the global expansion of mine countermeasures (MC), however, there was an increasing need to further the coordination of activity and standardized procedures. Hence, in 2000, new, amended and renamed standards (International Mine Action Standards or IMAS) came into effect. Since then, they have been regularly updated through various specialized UN bodies and the Geneva based International Centre for Humanitarian Demining. IMAS are increasingly assuming forms prescribed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and are used both as generally applicable standards within MC and as a basis for the detailed national MC standards that define MC in individual countries. They are also used as even more detailed standard operating procedures specifying concrete MC-related work procedures for individual organizations. Although binding in nature, they also allow other modes of operation if required by the local specifics and as long as the principle of safety at work is always taken into consideration. IMAS are divided into 14 sets of topics, each including one or several standards. They are a very useful tool that has unified MC across the world. However, the negative aspect of IMAS is the high cost of its implementation in the field, the upgrading of its contents, the disharmony between certain topics and, partially, its bureaucratic approach. In the future, IMAS will also have to include topics defining and specifying the productivity rate of MC, action against improvised explosive devices and action against the non-explosive threats that are occasionally encountered by MC personnel.


Banks Eddie, 2006. Closing the Circle. V: Journal of Mine Action, issue 10.2, winter 2006.

Banks Eddie, 2008. Time to Steady the Pendulum. V: Journal of Mine Action, issue 11.2, spring 2008.

Buse Margaret, 2002. The role of the United nations in mine action. V: Journal of mine action, issue 6.1, april 2002.

Filippino, Eric, Mine Action: Lessons and Challenges, Geneva 2005.

Keeley Robert, 2009. Is it Time for New Terminology in Land Release and Tehnical Survey. V: Journal of ERW and Mine Action, issue 13.2, August 2009.

King Adrian, 2009. IEDs and their impact on Mine action, V: Journal of ERW and Mine Action, issue 13.3, winter 2009.

Landmine Monitor – Toward a Mine Free World, Executive Summary 2008.

Lardner, Tim, Land Release: A guide for mine and ERW affected countries, Geneva 2007.

Orifici, David, A Guide to Mine Action and Explosive Remnants of War, Geneva April 2007.

Paktian M. Faiz, 2007. 2007 marks 10th anniversary of Mine Action Standards. V: Journal of Mine Action, issue 11.1, summer 2007.

Paktian M. Faiz, 2009. A Guide to International Mine Action Standards – edition 2010, Geneva 2009.

Smith Andy,2003. IMAS and PPE requirements. V: Journal of Mine Action, issue 7.1, april 2003.





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