
  • Peter Frantar Ministrstvo za okolje in prostor, Agencija RS za okolje, Ljubljana


Slovenia is a land of headwater sources where floods are mostly caused by torrents and karstic rivers. On a global scale, flows of Slovene rivers are relatively low. Therefore the biggest rivers in the world cause bigger floods than those that are found in Slovenia. The Dartmouth Flood Observatory in the USA systematically monitors flooding conditions in the world. In the present article, the basic characteristics of floods as a type of hydrologic phenomena are presented as well as floods that occurred in 2008. The overview of the biggest and the most important floods in Europe and the world during 2008 is given. During this year, floods resulting from the passage of Nargis Cyclone in Myanmar caused the highest death toll. According to the DFO’s estimation, the floods during the La Ni a event, on the other hand, reached the highest magnitude. On a global scale, floods in Slovenia during 2008 were not significant.


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Natural and other disasters abroad