
  • Damjan Slabe Univerza v Ljubljani, Zdravstvena fakulteta, Ljubljana
  • Martina Medja


Background: When there has been an accident or we are in need of help that surpasses our capabilities we immediately call the telephone number 112 – the regional emergency number. The number 112 is the uniform European emergency number adopted by the Ministerial Council Decision of the European Union dated 29.7.1991 (Council Decision of 29 July 1991 on the introduction of single European emergency call number – 91/396/EEC) in 1991. Slovenia was among the first European countries to introduce the number, back in 1997. The purpose of this study was to identify recognition of the emergency call number among the general public after ten years of its usage in Slovene territory. Method of work: In the research the descriptive method of data collection using anonymous questionnaires was used. The research took place from March 30th to May 30th 2008 among randomly selected people in the areas of Bohinj, Kranj, Jesenice, Begunje na Gorenjskem, Radovljica, Ljubljana, Ljutomer and Žalec. Results: 295 people participated in the research, of this number 119 were male (47%) and 176 female (53%). The average age of the respondents was 35, the majority of respondent have secondary education – 195 respondents (60%). 266 respondents (90%) would, in a medical emergency in Slovenia, call the number 112. More than half of them, that is 165 persons (56%), do not recognise the uniform European emergency call number. The majority, or 248 (83%) do not know the emergency call number in neighbouring Croatia. Discussion and conclusion: Among the respondents, the number 112 is well recognized as a national and less as a uniform European emergency call number. In the future, existing promotional campaigns should be continued and in order to achieve better recognition of the number 112 in the public new approaches should also be introduced. The first opportunity is during 2008 when the 11th February has been proclaimed the European day of the emergency call number.


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